Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Judgy McJudgerson

Hi there. How's things been in your neck of the woods? Enjoying summer? Yeah, me too.

Yeah...I know. Its been a minute. No, no. Nothing like that. I've had PLENTY to say, almost daily a post writes itself in my head...but as you can see hasnt made it onto this here blog as of yet. Honestly? Most of it probably wont for a few reasons. A lot of what I want to talk about (or I guess lets be real - bitch about) are things that are not necessarily appropriate fodder for all that visit me here to read. I've spent a lot of time lately stuck in my own head. Luckily, and thanks in part to the Mister, I figured that part out and am sorting through how to get the fuck out of my own head and am making some progress. And when my news is less "Oh Miss Mindy's in a funk lets all talk about it" and more "Wooooo! Miss Mindy's back to herself lets celebrate!" I will be sure to share. When in a funk Im not a talker. Its hard to talk when you've got your head down and you are barrelling through some bullshit.

So to my title.  Judgy McJudgerson.

Seems to be a lot of that going around lately and its pissing me off.  I've been seeing it on Twitter, FaceBook (the 3 times I visit there a week), amongst my employees & coworkers, out and about and just in general.

Knock it the fuck off people.

I say that with love but really, stop.

Ah dear sweet kettle, tis I, the pot, and I am here to call your judgy ass out!!!!

Really there is no need though. I thought at first that there was just more of it maybe, that I was dealing with, talking to, spending time with or hired a few people that greatly increased the amount of judgy going on in my world. Then I wasnt able to STOP seeing/hearing it. It was everywhere. I was a part of it at times. This needed to stop. I am not claiming perfect, that would be a lie, but I am trying and I cant ask for more than that.

A guy on Twitter making fun of some woman's beat ass car she put a Club on - yeah because you know her story. For all you know she could be a single mother of 4 who lives in a shit neighborhood and that piece of shit car that you so graciously looked down your nose at is her ONLY way to get food on the table for her kids. On the flip side she could also be a crackhead. My point is you DONT know, so STFU. I know at one point in my life I drove the only car I could afford and it was a total piece of shit. I hope no one judged me based on that. Or my glorious duct tape bumper :-)

Read a blog, multiple posts actually, written by a perpetually single guy who in my opinion has the personality of a 70 year old cranky man. {I dont know why I continue to read it other than its still in my reader and I dont know how to delete it} He spent multiple posts talking about relationships, of which he isnt in one, and marriage, which he has never been in, and telling people in those situations what to do and how to do it better. Right. And your single ass is an authority on EITHER topic how? Oh yes. Youre not. But still feel free to judge & offer opinions stated as fact to those of us that are because you are such an authority, right? No. How about you stick to what you know, or even better get off your high horse and realize just because you think it doesnt make you right. Reading Cosmo doesnt make you an authority on relationships, being a "therapist" to your neurotic friends doesnt make you the next Freud and having a keyboard doesnt give you the right to judge people and situations you dont know. Aside: Who asked you for your opinion & advice anyway?

Guy gets into a fight with his GF, puts his arm though a window and fucked himself up good. Thankfully he is doing well and thats awesome, but overheard the comment "well if hes got that kind of temper he just wont work in this situation". Really? Because you've never had a moment of bad judgment when in a rage? Because you always make the best decision regardless the circumstances? Sure you do....and I'm Santa-motherfuckin-Claus.

I could list hundreds more - these are just the 3 that have been gnawing away at me.  All I am saying is think before you speak. Yes, sometimes snark is good for  quick laugh - but would you want someone to say that about you? Would you want to have the entirety of your existence evaluated based upon the stupid things you've done?

I doubt it. I know I sure as shit wouldnt.

If we all just made a little bit of effort to stop judging people. To stop eying them up & down trying to figure them out. Stopped trying to make other feel worse so that we can feel better.  Stopped thinking that we are better than anyone else. Just stopped.

News Flash - we are all human. Get over it. 

The world would be a kinder place for one. And a more peaceful place for another. I know it will never stop completely - it is human nature for myself as well - but you will be amazed if you stop for just 2 seconds how m any things you WONT say or type.

I am going to keep trying. And even when I fail I'll try again. Im not delusional. I know the judging will never stop. All I ask is that we all think about the shitty things we send out into the universe before we send them and maybe instead of judging a person try to empathize a little bit or at the very least just shut up.

I know damn well Im not perfect, I do and say stupid things every effing day. Im pretty sure all of us are flawed in one way or another, so get over it. Not everyone thinks driving a sweet car is important. Not everyone thinks that success is measured by checking account balance. Money and the willingness or ability to spend it doesnt make you better or your opinions more valid than anyone elses. Who are you to judge anyone?

There is nothing so spectacular about me or what I do that makes me feel I should be judging anyone. I have done nothing in or with my life that makes me superior to anyone. I think these statements are true for everyone. Money doesnt buy class, importance or will it validate your existence. The ability to open your mouth and speak doesnt automatically make your opinion more valid than mine.

Bottom line - the only person made to look stupid by pointless judging - the person doing the judging. And I, for one, am going to be better at NOT judging. Care to join me? I wont judge you if you decide not to :-)

Totally Unrelated - I AM STILL A NONSMOKER!!!!!!