Monday, April 25, 2011

Zombie Jesus Day...

...has come & gone. I think thats supposed to mean that SPRING has SPRUNG. If today was any indication I think it definitely has. Got to ride with the windows out of the Jeep & the music turned up wicked loud. The Gods of Rag Tops have spoken - the time for toplessness is now :-) 

The kielbasa? Came out awesome! Personally I think I could have added a smidgen more salt but overall it was excellent. It smelled & tasted just like Popops from all those years ago.  Dad agreed. I made enough to feed a small army of ravenous goats so I gifted a bunch to a few friends at work, all rave reviews there too. Looks like I have acquired a new holiday tradition for the family...good thing I think sausage stuffing is a good time. Somewhat related: there is no way to talk about sausage stuffing without making about a bazillion sex jokes...and for some reason they are always funny- yeah...Im 12.

The Mister got to experience his first foray into charcuterie & he can be my sous chef anytime. After a minor blow up of "would you shut the hell up and listen to what I am trying to tell you" hollered over "well I dont know what Im doing and you wont explain it" (Guess who was saying which & you'll win the prize!) we both quit yelling and the stuffing began. All told 4+ hours from grinding the meat to stuffed sausage. Definitely a project easier accomplished by 2. I gave most of it away but did save a coil so I can toss it on the smoker next time I smoke some meat...and that should be oh so yum.

I also made cinnamon cake that was indistinguishable from any my Nana used to make. This would make me the first of our clan who is able to make this recipe without completely balling it up. I think I am going to try to turn it into cinnamon rolls at some point. Would def have to tweak out the quantity a bit, but that buttery eggy bread w some cinnamon & some raisins with a cream cheese frosting? Oh HELL yeah. If I pull this off with any success Ill post the recipe.  Only difference between mine & Nanas is hers is made with Oleo - totally how she has it written in the recipe, margarine for those of us born after 1950 - and I use butter. Margarine is NOT food and I do not cook with things that arent food.

It was a great day with the family, really. Still odd to see my sister & her kids hanging out with her new boyfriend. My BIL was a bit of a douche...but its still weird. I actually defended him to my mom. She called him an asshole because he wouldnt give Sister what she wanted as far as weekend visitation. Why the hell should he?!? He wasnt the best husband ever, but as much as I love my sister shes a total asshole. She cant help it really, its just who she is, but hes done with her so why does he have to acquiesce to her every request? Oh yeah...he DOESNT. Mom thought I was being harsh, I call it realistic. He had no choice but to deal with her when they were together, not quite the same now. I know its evil but seeing her get a bit of her vindictive medicine amuses me. A lot. I know, I know...y'all probably think Im mean for taking pleasure in her annoyance, but

Capped the evening by almost yelling at Gram (Moms Mom). I dont even know wtf we were talking about over cake & all of a sudden shes all "Blame Obama" and Im all "what?!?!" I kind of forgot that Gram likes to sit and watch Fox News All. Damn. Day. And believes every damn word those talking head idiots spit out. It pisses me off. Even when its rhetoric being spouted by my 85 year old grandmother.  I still dont get how you can blame any one individual for the shit show that is our government. That is and was a group effort. The problem isnt political parties. Its politicians. And until the masses can see that its going to be more of the same. She looked at me like I was an anarchist. Maybe I am...but at least I dont believe everything I hear on TV. Thank god she doenst get the internet. Lord knows what kind of crap shed believe if she could read some of that shit.

Tonight: Cheese Burgers & Potato Salad and if I have my way a Pens win into round #2 of the Playoffs! The return of Matt Cooke & moar hockey!

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