Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowpocolypse/Snowmagedden/Snowly Shit! 2010

The weather peoples said it was going to happen. 12" of snow starting Friday afternoon ending Saturday afternoon and it was going to be bad. I was like, yeah...whatever. Fear mongering tv weathermen!!! I swear sometimes they work for the grocery union or some shit. Sales get low PREDICT A BLIZZARD!!! So they did. And it began....

Old ladies beating each other with canes as they wrestled over the last loaf of Wonderbread in the decimated bread store mangers with tread marks running right up their back because they chose the exact wrong time to restock the toilet paper display....all the dairy cows in the tri-state area were hooked up to milking machines while being force fed food non-stop in order to keep up with the milk utter break down in the fabric of our existence.....snow. And I was totally kidding about the least as far as I know personally.

So it started with Wednesday when the rumor began the beerfest me & Mr were supposed to go to Baltimore for this weekend was going to be postponed.  We scoffed. Why would this happen? We are east coasters, we know how to handle our weather. Bring it bitches - were going to eat oysters and drink beer!!  And then on Thursday morning the email came ~ Sorry! We would rather not have people coming out & drinking in this kinda weather, we rescheduled for next weekend, sorry we ruined your life, blah blah then a buncha talking and a buncha what do you want to do? I dunno what do you want to do? We finally decided with Capt Chaos' blessing that we would just stay home this weekend & go to Baltimore next weekend when we wouldnt die en route in a gigantor snowbank.  For the record, at this point I still thought it was all a buncha crap & we were having to stay home because some guy whos job it is to guess about the weather said so and I was annoyed.  Not to mention that meant that I went from being off on Friday to having to work on Friday and that kinda really sucked ass.  So long story short I pouted, stomped my feet & whined and we still stayed home.

Thank great fictional deities we did.

After an epic FAIL night at one of my restaurants wrestling with a piece of shit POS system that refused to boot then when it did hijacked the entire network, knocking out credit cards and generally making everyones life more difficult, irritating and frustrating all night I go to leave Sewickley around 7pm.  I had been in the south hills around noon when the snow had innocently enough started...this was no longer innocent.  It seems that while I was in the restaurant slamming my head in the office door, being yelled at by bartenders (which for the record is the LAST time that asshat will ever think THAT was acceptable behavior again, i assure you) while talking to a tech guy for said POS POS and trying to make the mother fucking computers work before I have to kill myself Snowpocolypse 2010 begun.  But I drive a Jeep. A real Jeep.  A Wrangler. So I actually really enjoyed my treacherous drive home because...well thats why I drive a Jeep.

This is the view off my front porch last night around 10pm.  The snow started around noon....
And this is RK's car that had been parked outside since 4ish...

Appreciating how much better the neighbors house looks when covered in a blanket of snow
It was recockulous. Utterly. It snowed. No. It FUCKING snowed. It snowed all night. It just cape coming down, even as we slept! We went to bed with power, I was awoke at 6:30am by Capt Chaos (oh yeah I was UNHAPPY about that) and we had power. Finally went out around 9am. This is wicked heavy snow, so trees falling (including some of my neighbors) hitting power lines = no power for me.  This is a real bummer. I like my electric and all the nice things it provides. Like warmth.

So me, Mr & RK had a delicious breakfast cooked by RK, a game of Monopoly I got my ass wupped at, shoveled a fuck ton of snow and had a pretty awesome snow day!!
^ Mr felled in a snow bank ^

^ RK did too...^

^ is up to his knees, for real, that was a clean spot ^

So it was a snowpocoplyse. Definitively. 18 inches in about 24 hours, the bulk of it falling in 12. Its pretty awesome. The world looks bright & beautiful coated in snow! All the people who bitch about have NO idea.  Its awesome. Yeah its cold, it snows, its gray blah blah blah... yes, it is all those things. But every once in awhile you get a day like today. Look at that blue was gorgeous.  So bright it hurt your eyes, the sun was actually warm. Shoveling snow does suck balls, but its still worth it. I live in a beautiful city, even in the middle of winter!

so by the time we came in and were considering finding a bar for some hockey the power comes back on. More importantly the heat comes back on. We dont have to pack up the dogs and go sleep at my moms tonight. Thank Jeebus!

Side Note: We totally did not have more than a quart of milk & 3 slices of bread at the time of the Snowpocolypse - yinzer snow prep FAIL.

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