Its 3:30am. I am still awake. Thats a tad irritating to tell you the truth. I cant tell you why Im still awake; possible 1 too many diet Dr Peppers, maybe the cold I feel coming on a little bit, maybe too much on my mind and its not quite ready to go to bed yet...who knows. If I knew the answer to why I was awake Im guessing Id probably be back to sleep. So I figured that if Im going to be awake at this unreasonable hour I might as well do something with myself...well that and I could totally find nothing interesting to watch on the TV & the internets at large werent capturing my attention.
So I'm laying in bed trying to talk myself into going back to sleep...that was a fail. But I did have some sparks of brilliance & inspiration...
I made my first attempt at homemade granola today and was mostly disappointed. I liked the ingredient combo but the sticky stuff meant to hold it all together didnt work exactly as I had anticipated. I made a dried cranberry & semi-sweet chocolate. It tastes really good, but its more crumbly than sticky and I want to make chewy granola bars. So I think I know what I need to do to correct the not so sticky issue & made mental list of some stuff I need to acquire for attempt #2! Agave nectar? Might work well in this application...and definitely more nuts, like more of a variety. Toasted almonds are good; toasted almonds and cashews? Better!
My husband, Mister, claims that I kept him up for a few hours snoring a couple nights ago...turns out Im catching a cold. I'd apologize but he's a perpetual snorer, and yeah pay backs are a bitch sometimes! He got even tonight. Karma is a bitch, but apparently only to people who laugh about keeping someone up snoring.
I am totally going to take down my christmas decorations this week. Yeah go ahead and laugh...they're still up! Most of the lights have been off for months, I just havent felt like taking them down and cleaning them and putting them away and all that BS. But this week it will be done and the house will loose all its winter flair.
Im going to have a garden this year. Me & mister planted 150 little seed thingies today so we can turn the front of the yard into a garden. There are a few more things I want to get veggie-wise, but for the most part we've got everything started in their little terrariums. I'm excited about a garden. We've talked about it for years just never had a good spot for one, but he extracted some hedges last year & it gets great light now we get a garden. Nothing tastes better than garden tomatoes or beans!
I saw the tops of my tulips & hyacinth sticking out of the ground the other morning and that makes me smile! Spring is coming...finally!
Im going to go attempt sleep again...hopefully itll be quieter and the puppy wont have stolen my spot :-)
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