Thursday, April 29, 2010

I did it! And saw a pony...

I decided there's no time like the present and started my Couch to 5K today after work.  I had planned to be done around 5:30ish and that turned into 7-ish but I figured the worst the could happen if I ended up running in the darker hours through the Panhandle Trail woods was getting killed by an axe murder so why the fuck not.  So since Mister took Puppybutt with him this morning on his run I decided to load the Old Gal in the Jeep and take her with me. 

So the running part wasnt bad at all, even if I'm a smoker.  Yoga breathing helps I think and it wasnt the most awful thing I have ever done by far.  I actually kind of enjoyed myself.  I ran the Panhandle Trail in Walkers Mill (on the way to Rennerdale for yinz that are from around here n'at) and followed the minute run - minute & a half brisk walk.  Helps that that stretch of trail is gorgeous for whatever reason youre there for, but me & my girl Zoe had an excellent little jaunt.

Honestly I think Zoe was just thrilled to be going anywhere without the puppy and when we got to a woodsy like area she was so excited she regressed about 7 years & we had to relearn how to behave on a leash.  I had also kind of forgotten that Labs - well they like water alot, and that trail follows the creek, so i spent a good amount of time trying to convince her that she really didnt want to go for a swim, seriously, she matter what her nose was telling her.  Overall though for a dog who really doesnt need a leash she did amazingly well keeping up with my little jog.

So we are headed back toward the car, and Im jogging and all of a sudden she is all but breaking her neck to look behind her. I, of course, was listening to my music so didnt hear what she did and I slowed to check out her ZOMG!!! (not a good idea for me to turn around while running, thats how I make a total ass outta myself and fall down) and out of the corner of my eye I see a lady jogging up past me with a long leash.  Tied to the end of this leash is a friggin miniature horse.  Swear to Jebus! It was wearing a big dog collar and she had its lead clipped to the back of her belt and it was trotting along being her like a dog.  If there was any way I could have gotten a pic I would have.  She was also listening to her iPod so didnt hear me when I kinda OMG is that a miniature horse?!? -ed her as she ran past. 

So I was a little taken aback by this My Little Pony looking thing but Zoe - she wanted to get it so bad! I dont think she really knew WTF it was but she did know it was moving quick, it wasnt much bigger than her and she totally wanted to smell its butt.  I had her on her retractable leash and I think she about broke the damn thing trying to take off after it (and yes, me ever so gracefully jerked along behind her) and she actually whined desperately to be let go to get it.  It was adorable.  My Old Girl is old...shes about 10, but shes in amazingly awesome shape and can still act like an asshole puppy when the mood suits her.  I think I can safely say Zoe enjoyed her run today.

A couple of other fun things I saw...

A young boy, Id say about 8, in a wagon, pointing down an embankment into a murky pond looking ornery while his mom was screeching at him to not even think about the EXACT thing he was thinking about as he rolled himself down the embankment and right into said murky pond.  I laughed, literally out loud...that boys mom.....yeah, no. I think if I hadnt been there she may have actually drowned him, I could still hear her screaming 100 yards away. Something about strapping him to the hood of the car on the way home cuz there was no way in hell his wet smelly ass we getting into her car blah blah blah...the kid looked like he had conquered the world & it was worth the screaming.

As we were leaving I was loading Miss Zoe into the Jeep & getting her some water and watching the father of 2 very cute little girls try to defy physics and force both of their bikes into the trunk of their Altima trough sheer force of will while his wife stood behind him on her cell giving her mother a play by play of where they were, what they had just done, how they got there and how stupid her husband was for not being able to load the car properly.  The then loaded up his adorable little girls and was driving over to pick her up (like 25 feet mind you) because she had been over there squawking at her mom some more and shouted at him to do it. Between her not paying attention and him not paying attention Squawker Wife about got ran over....which caused more squawking and even some shrieking.  1) She had a very Fran Drescher voice thing going on and was LOUD so it was hard to miss any part of her conversation. 2) Holy crap she was a total dick to her husband so I dont really blame him for number 3) Im not 100% certain that was an accident.

People watching & running really arent a bad way to spend an evening!!  We shall see if Im hurting from the running part tomorrow. If not Im back on the trail Saturday!!

Oh yes, and lest we forget...
Tomorrow night...Game 1. Bring it Habs!!!!!

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