Sunday, April 25, 2010

Why married people don't have sex...

Such an excellent Sunday! They said yuck weather ALL day & they were wrong...yay!!!

Me & Mister made an early pilgrimage to Lowes to get a buncha crap that we needed to make the garden LIVE! Mission accomplished!  We got a bunch of fencing to keep the dogs & other wildlife away from our veggies, some mushroom manure and got the whole thing planted.  Seems that I over estimated the room we would have in the garden, so the majority of the for real veggies are going to live in the garden, the shallots & garlic now have a happy home in a planter on the patio and the horseradish does too.  Thats probably best only because all 3 are perennials and have the tendency to take over their areas after a year or 2 so they can have the big ass planters and grow away.  It looks a bit sparse at the moment, but its new so it'll get better.  Im hoping our fencing is enough to keep critters from eating everything.  It should be, but critters can be conniving little fuckers. I can tell you this, the Puppy, she does NOT understand why she isnt allowed to go into where all the dirt that shes loves so much is. She just seems perplexed that there is so much that she wants just right over there and she cant get it. Its terribly amusing. The Old Gal...well she could care less outside of the fact she now has to walk AROUND this inconvenience to get to HER yard...but she's old, so its somewhat expected. Well that and she really could care less if we ever ate vegetables. Her favorite vegetable is cow.

We did suffer some casualties in the seedling department, but I think that our basement is just too cool & damp to grow happy seedlings.  Next attempts are going to be relocated to our office, which is rarely used to do anything but put shit I dont want to look at for a looong time, and its sunny and much much warmer.  I think that'll make for much stronger seedlings.  We live & we learn!

So a new problem is that there was little to no room for the herbs that I seeded in the garden.  This requires a Plan B. I didnt really have a Plan B for this situation.  Im thinking I may just get some planters and plant them in those.  That will be easier to keep weeded for sure. I really dont know, going to have to do some research and see what strikes my fancy.

Also got under our dogwood dug out so I could transplant some phlox that are in another planter.  They had grown to be wicked huge & healthy but the Mister has to tear down the walls and rebuild them so their only chance of survival was being moved.  So we got it all dug out & I moved them so now there is a gorgeous mound of phlox laying under my dogwood.  Strange note about the dogwood - it was almost completely split in half during the snow storms, but it budded, so I zip tied the 2 pieces together and it seems to be doing well.  Thats pretty awesome, but quite weird.

So now to figure out where I want to move the 3 azalea shrubs that are in there too.  Two of them are doing really well, 1 has been the victim of the sand slipping behind the wall.  Its not dead, but its not very happy either.  Hoping a relocation will render it beautiful just needs some healthy dirt.  Not sure where I want to put them yet, but I'm thinking maybe against the fence we just put up on the far side of the garden. We shall see what the Mister thinks...

Once he finishes the wall reconstruction I have 20 strawberry plants to plant and if there is more room I might go get some other berry shrubs to go in there too.  I know I wont get much this year, but next year I should get enough to make some jam and thats the why I'm planting them in the first place.   If there isnt room I am already developing another place to grow some berry shrubs.  There's a pretty sweet spot down by the dogwood that wouldnt take too long to turn over and could use something to take the eyes away from the abandoned garage that is slowly decaying back there - see photo above. (I thank the borough for its continued of these years maybe they will tear down the hazard...maybe) I will need to do more research to see if this is a feasible idea or not...Mister tends to get a tad irritated when I say things like "Hey Mister! You need to make this happen" when its going to be a pain in the ass. I have to at the very least KNOW if it will be a pain in the ass before I ask to have it done...

I also got my planters on the porch loaded with begonias and some other purple thing I cant remember the name of at the moment.  Next up is the hanging baskets but it's not quite time for that just yet. 

The Puppy is standing guard of the newly moved Butterfly bush and the Asiatic lily & freesia bulbs I planted today, too.  I really think if she had a vote we would play outside in the dirt all day every day...unfortunately she has not acquired the manners of a non-asshole puppy so its less fun for me & Mister.

All in all one hell of a productive day...and I was showered & relaxing before 5pm. 

So this is the answer. This is why.  Married people dont not have sex because they dont want to...its because they get married, buy houses and all of a sudden have a gazillion tons of bullshit they have to do that single people...renters...dont have to do.

...but the flowers are gorgeous and the veggies will be awesome ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Now you have me wondering if sex is really worth a lack of vegetables. The garden and flowers look GREAT!
